Archive for August, 2008

Trust Me, Rhoda Morgenstern Never Had a Blog

August 27th, 2008 by Julie Silver

Two games left in that stadium with The Team That Dare Not Speak its Name.  Two hours until the first pitch.  I might blog after the game.  Last night the boys in red socks logged a W (not a “dubya”) and I don’t want to give it, in the words of almost every one in my life over 60, “a kenna hora”. From my mouth to God’s ear, we should have another W, live and be well, poo poo poo.

Here’s what I’m thinking about:  My friend Dave, let’s call him the Rhoda Morgenstern in my life, always has the same answer when I ask him how he’s doing.  “Read my blog”, he says.  I’m not too keen on that answer.  Don’t get me wrong–I read his blog all the time.  But when I ask, I actually want him to tell me how he’s doing.  I don’t want to read what tens of thousands of other people are reading.  I don’t want a status update.  I mean, he’s practically my husband (if that were in any way possible, which it isn’t).  As I used to say to my daughter, “Use your words, honey.”  Of course, that was before she started a punctuation-free sentence about a year ago which still has no end in sight.

If I took his advice and read the blog to find out how he’s doing, we’d never talk.  Which is sometimes what I think my go-to play date, my afternoon movie partner, my sushi loving friend of friends might really be looking for.  But I know in my heart that this cannot be.

Some say the definition of a bore is someone who tells you how they REALLY are when you ask.  Sometimes waiters come to my table during a meal and ask me “Is ANYTHING alright?”  But floating somewhere in the middle of all of it is the language that only two friends can speak.  The low-down.  The skinny.  Just the facts, ma’am. The ugly truth.  The real deal.

The Rhoda and Mary.

Let’s face it.  There isn’t much I don’t want to hear.  Except of course anything that has to do with The Team That Dare Not Speak its Name.

Three left in the Bronx…

August 26th, 2008 by Julie Silver

How I love the long season of baseball. In fact the only thing I love more than the Boston Red Sox is the long season itself. Today we’re starting a three game series against The Team That Dare Not Speak Its Name in their soon to be demolished stadium. Good riddance I say. I never believed in the curse of the Bambino, but for some reason this morning I woke up with one thought: It’s finally going to be over. WHAT is finally going to be over I cannot say. But curse or no curse, after these next three, we never have to play in that stadium ever again. Now I’m not going to dump all over The Team That Dare Not Speak its Name here in this blog. I love New York, I love my father-in-law, and I love my friends who happen to love The Team That Dare Not Speak Its Name. But I will say this: Giambi looks like a prison chef and A-Rod is a ball-slapping whiner!

I’ll be fine.